
April 06, 2020

Cake with Tahini and Orange


  • 300 g tahini​
  • 500 g sugar​
  • 3 eggs​
  • 1 vanillin​
  • Zest of an orange​
  • Juice of 5 oranges​
  • 500 g flour​
  • 20 g of baking powder​
  • 100 g roasted hazelnuts​
  • 100 g raisins​
  • 1 tsp cinnamon​

How to make the cake

  1. In a bowl whisk the tahini with the sugar, then add the eggs, zest, cinnamon, and vanilla and beat. ​
  2. Then, gradually add the flour and orange juice. Finally, add the hazelnuts and raisins and mix gently.​
  3. In a buttered baking pan 20cm. Or a cake pan spread the mixture and bake at 180 ° C for one hour.
  4. Garnish with some confectioners' sugar.

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