Privacy policy

In greekseller.com we respect our users' and customers' privacy and our goal is to protect it. This means that we are committed to handle all the information provided to us with the greatest care and a strong sense of responsibility. Moreover, we are committed to follow the respective laws with regard to data protection and privacy policy.

The users and customers of Greekseller.com, as well as all our partners and third parties, are bound to conform with our privacy policy and the respective regulations with regard to data protection.

Collection and use of personal data

We collect, store and process personal data that are necessary to perform the contractual obligations between us and the user in accordance with all applicable laws. This includes storage of data for possible claims that may arise after the fulfillment of the contract.

Moreover, we may use your data within the limits of the law for our own marketing purposes, to optimize our online offers and improve your buying experience by making the process easier or by showing you products that you may be interested in buying.

We collect, process and use personal data only according to this agreement.

All data provided to our websites including information regarding your identity (such as name, address, phone number) are considered to be personal data.


On the order page, you may create your personal customer account by entering a password. We store and process all your data (name, address, e-mail and date of birth) as well as the data given at your orders for accounting purposes.

Of course, you may withdraw your consent at any time by sending us a written notice (e.g. via e-mail or by post) and we will make the necessary changes. As soon as we are informed about your withdrawal your data will be deleted.

Data encryption

In order to secure your sensitive data, we use the SSL (Secure Sockets Layer) protocol to process your payment. Therefore, all payment data are encrypted during their transmission.