April 21, 2021

Why we eat fish on Vaion Sunday

Find out why it is allowed during Lent.

We celebrate the entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. When the people heard that Jesus was coming, they took hold of bay leaves (vagia) and went out to meet him. And some with their clothes, and others, cutting branches from the trees, paved the way through which Jesus would pass. The entry of Christ into Jerusalem, according to the Church, is the entry into martyrdom, into His earthly life. In a few days, he will testify and be killed on the cross, to kill death and give life.

Although it is still Lent, the church on Vaion Sunday allows fish. The vagia (bay leaves) were knitted in many designs such as moons, ships, but the most common was the cross.

In some places they gave the shape of a fish. The fish was used as a mark of recognition by the early Christians, the word ΙΧΘΥΣ, moreover, comes from the original Jesus Christ God's Son Savior. Regarding the fast of this day there is a difference in the question of whether fish is catalyzed or not. The opinion of Theodoros the Studite is that on Vaion Sunday "fish is eaten", because it is considered a Despotic holiday. For Saint Nicodemus of Mount Athos, only one day of Lent is fish eaten and that is on the day of the Annunciation. It is typical the position of the Apostolic Orders when they say: "After these (ie the feasts of Christmas and Epiphany), to observe the Lent fasting, which includes remembrance of the life of the Lord and the law. Keep this fast before Easter, starting on Monday and ending on Friday.

After that, after you stop fasting, start the holy week of Easter, everyone is fasting in fear ... »The terms" after you stop fasting "and" to start "are indicative, which indicate that a fast ends and another begins. The one that ends is the fast of Lent and the one that begins is the fast of Holy Week. So this holiday is independently between two fasts. Its position, therefore, gives the right to talk about catalysis on this day of fish or even egg.

The song:

“Vagia, Vagia ton Vagion,

eat fish and kolio,

and until next Sunday

with the red egg! ”

Do you know other traditions for Vaion Sunday? Send us your own stories!

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